
Investing means committing

Investing means sharing an ambition
Investing means strengthening
Investing means being present
Investing means taking into account all stakeholders consideration

Investing means sharing an ambition

  • A company transmission sets the beginning of a new history for all stakeholders (employees, management, shareholders, company partners, etc.).
  • Sparring Capital intervenes when the objective of this transmission is to preserve the independence of a company and reveal its potential, by implementing an acceleration project on purpose, shared with the teams.
  • Our ambition is to deploy the overall added value , with a global objective thatn goes beyond financial performance alone.

Investing means strengthening

  • As an active and committed reference shareholder, we work with the management team to build the roadmap for the coming years.
  • We assist them in recruiting key executives and developing new skills, making acquisitions if necessary.
  • Our “Sustainable Transformation” team deploys proprietary tools and methodology to identify and leverage operational and extra-financial value creation opportunities.
  • Together, we make our investments stronger and more attractive, enabling them to move to the next level.

Investing means being present

  • By maintaining availability to the managers we work with, we are ready prepared to tackle complex issues thanks to an investment approach focusing on a select number of companies.
  • We believe that time spent talking should not be devoted solely to figures, because figures are only a measurement
  • We respect the role of managers and shareholders, and work alongside management teams without interfering.
  • We believe in demanding dialogue and attentive listening, we are “straightforward”.

Investing means taking into account all stakeholders consideration

  • For shareholders, we enable them to secure and optimize the conditions for selling their company.
  • For employees, we help preserve the company’s strengths and offer them new prospects based on an ambitious project.
  • For investors, we deliver top-level financial and non-financial performance, while enabling them to participate in financing the real economy
  • For the community, we develop more efficient and more solid ETIs committed to social and environmental progress.